Capturing the Northern Lights: Tips and Tricks for Photographing Through Windows

Capturing the Northern Lights: Tips and Tricks for Photographing Through Windows

The northern lights, also known as aurora borealis, are a breathtaking natural phenomenon that captivates viewers with their shimmering colors and dancing patterns across the night sky. For photographers seeking to capture the beauty of the aurora borealis, shooting through windows can present both opportunities and challenges. In this article, we’ll explore tips and tricks for photographing the northern lights through windows, maximizing your chances of capturing stunning images of this celestial spectacle.

Understanding the Challenges

Photographing the northern lights through windows introduces several challenges that photographers must overcome to achieve optimal results. These challenges include:

  1. Reflections and Glare: Windows can create reflections and glare that obscure the view of the aurora borealis and detract from the clarity of the image.
  2. Distortion: Glass surfaces can distort the appearance of the aurora, causing straight lines to appear curved or bent.
  3. Obstructions: Window frames, mullions, and other obstructions can obstruct the view of the aurora and interfere with composition.

Despite these challenges, with the right techniques and equipment, photographers can capture stunning images of the northern lights through windows.

Tips and Tricks for Photographing Through Windows

  • Minimize Reflections: To minimize reflections and glare, position the camera as close to the window as possible and angle it slightly downward. Use a lens hood or a black cloth to shield the lens from reflections caused by indoor lighting.
  • Use a Polarizing Filter: A polarizing filter can help reduce glare and enhance contrast in your images. Experiment with rotating the filter to find the optimal position for reducing reflections and improving image quality.
  • Shoot in Manual Mode: Shooting in manual mode allows you to have full control over exposure settings, enabling you to adjust aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to capture the aurora borealis with optimal clarity and detail. The benefits of floor-to-ceiling windows for Northern Lights hunters, read more at this link.
Norrhern Lights photographer
  • Choose the Right Lens: Use a wide-angle lens with a fast aperture (f/2.8 or wider) to capture the expansive beauty of the aurora borealis. A wide-angle lens allows you to include more of the night sky in your frame, while a fast aperture enables you to capture more light in low-light conditions.
  • Bracket Your Shots: Bracketing involves taking multiple shots at different exposure settings to ensure that you capture the aurora borealis with optimal exposure. Experiment with exposure bracketing to capture a range of images and select the best one during post-processing.
  • Manual Focus: Use manual focus to ensure that the aurora borealis appears sharp and in focus in your images. Autofocus may struggle to lock onto the faint light of the aurora, so manually adjusting the focus to infinity is often the best approach.
  • Reduce Noise: Shooting at a lower ISO can help reduce noise in your images, resulting in cleaner and more detailed photos of the aurora borealis. Experiment with different ISO settings to find the optimal balance between noise reduction and image brightness.
  • Experiment with White Balance: Adjusting the white balance settings can dramatically impact the color rendition of the aurora borealis in your images. Experiment with different white balance settings to achieve the desired color temperature and mood in your photos.


Photographing the northern lights through windows presents unique challenges, but with the right techniques and equipment, photographers can capture stunning images of this celestial spectacle. By minimizing reflections, using a polarizing filter, shooting in manual mode, choosing the right lens, bracketing shots, manually focusing, reducing noise, and experimenting with white balance, photographers can overcome the challenges of shooting through windows and capture the beauty of the aurora borealis with clarity and detail. For more information on photographing the northern lights and photography techniques, consult reputable sources such as Wikipedia. These resources offer valuable insights and guidance to help you master the art of photographing the northern lights through windows.